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Featured / 6.01.2021

The Top 6 Summer Workout Activities

Summer is just around the corner, and that means it's time to get outside!

If you feel like you've been inside too long or your workouts have gone a bit stale, we have six fantastic summer exercise ideas that will allow you to enjoy the best of the outdoors and get an excellent workout at the same time.

These exercises will help keep your body in shape while having fun in the sun. All of these exercises are easy to do to be done by anyone whether or not they are an expert athlete or a beginner.

Going to the gym is great, but don't forget about these awesome outdoor activities that can help keep you in shape! And, if you are feeling slightly sore or in pain afterward, give our office a call. We're here to help! 

Here Are Our Top 6 Summer Workout Activities

Now that it's summer, the options for an outdoor workout are abundant. With temperatures rising and clear skies, there's more opportunity for fun activities to help you get in shape! Here are some outdoor activities you might consider this summer!

1. Hiking

Hikes are a great way to enjoy the outdoors and get some exercise at the same time. 

Walking is a great way to build strength, balance, and mental health simultaneously. There's no substitute for that fantastic view and adrenaline rush you get when you reach the top.

For those of you who don't like running or jogging, hiking is just your pace! You can take long walks on flat terrain or more challenging hikes up hillsides. And if you live somewhere with mountains nearby, even better. Ask around for the best trails in your area.

You'll want to make sure you tell people where you are going just in case something happens. It's wise to wear proper shoes to avoid any injuries! Nothing wrecks a great hike like turning over your ankle.

2. Tennis

Tennis is an ideal outdoor activity, especially with friends! After a season of lockdowns and restrictions, you might enjoy the company more than anything.

You can even make it a reality even and play doubles with three others! Not only is tennis a fun activity to do with friends, but it's also an excellent cardiovascular workout.

Enjoy a game of tennis is a nice balance if you like an excellent workout but don't enjoy too much running. You don't always feel like you're moving a lot, but at the end of a match, you'll be exhausted.

From a health perspective, make sure you are fully hydrated before and while playing.

3. Swimming

When you think of summer, you think of swimming, right? Well, swimming isn't just a fun hobby; it's also a great workout! Swimming can help build your endurance and heart health. And if you have joint problems, swimming is a safer summer workout option since the water helps minimize joint stress!.

Swimming is a powerful cardiovascular workout because it's an activity where you use your whole body to propel yourself through the water.

Swimming also helps build endurance and heart health by ensuring that your lungs are getting plenty of oxygen! The water can help minimize joint stress, even in people who suffer from osteoarthritis or arthritis. The health community loves to prescribe swimming to anyone rehabbing from an injury because of its low impact.

4. Cycling

Cycling is an excellent workout for anyone who loves to be outdoors! It's also a low-impact exercise option. There are many types of bikes that you can ride: mountain bikes, hybrid bicycles, and road bikes. Mountain biking requires more physical exertion than other styles—the cardiovascular challenge and excellent sites you take in making it an increasingly popular choice for people today.

Cycling is also a top choice for people who are looking to lose weight. A bike ride enhances your cardiovascular health. Because cycling is low-impact, it's a great workout option for those with joint problems.

There's no need to be intimidated by this sport! It's easy to get started on a bike (it's one of those things we never forget how to do). If you haven't been on a bike for a while, you might want to start small on side streets or trails with low traffic.

Biking is an easy way to get into cardio without pounding the pavement or track too hard.

Be sure to check out our recommendations on Cycling for Comfort and Safety.

5. Kayaking

Cool off from the summer heat by kayaking! People who like watersports will love kayaking. This activity offers a beautiful way to explore rivers, lakes, and oceans while boosting your upper body strength. It's especially beneficial for individuals with foot or leg issues, as you're seated throughout the activity.

Here are some more benefits of kayaking :

  • It's a low-impact exercise, making it perfect for people who are recovering from an injury.
  • A kayak provides the opportunity to get close to nature. You can paddle onto shore and enjoy time in solitude while admiring wildlife or simply enjoying your surroundings.
  • Kayaking is excellent cross-training for other sports.


You didn't think we'd forget walking, did you? One of the most popular aerobic exercises that can be done outdoors is walking. It's great for your health and can be done anywhere. You don't need any equipment or special clothing to participate, making it a low-cost form of exercise that's perfect for everyone!

Walking provides an excellent workout because it engages all muscles in your lower body while simultaneously improving cardiovascular health.

The Summer Is Better When You're Moving 

One of the most important things about staying healthy is to get in some form of physical activity every day. No matter how busy you are, there's always time to sneak in a little exercise to keep your mind and body sharp!

Whether you're hiking, playing tennis, cycling, running, or walking, the best way to make sure that you're getting a healthy workout for summer is to get moving! 

If you find that moving just isn't happening as easily as you'd like, we can help. Perhaps you're finding yourself in some pain and it's holding you back from making the most of the summer, don't hesitate to book an appointment with us and we will take a look at what's going on. 

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